Thank you to Julia, Rachel. Graham and Debbie for todays blog
9.00 BBC weather showing 2c with 45mph winds. The outside cam is showing the NE turret in dark shade, the sea and sky in shades of grey. The nest box is empty.
9.16 A short burst of clucking is heard.
9.29. The Church bell tolls
9.41 Camera pans round and focuses on the SW turret where the light is a bit better.
9.59 The Church bell tolls
10.19 The camera pans onto the NW turret.
10.29 The Church bell tolls
10.59 Bell tolls again. There is still no sight or sound of the peregrines.
11.00 no sign of either the male (tiercel) or female (falcon) on either camera at this time. It’s another very windy day, overcast with patchy sun occasionally lighting up the nest box and turret. The hole in the scrape is very pronounced now and there appears to be no sign at all of yesterday’s egg incident.
11.15 no change
11.22 turret cam pans about facing inland into the sun, difficult to view but no sign of the peregrines
11.30 bell tolls half past the hour
11.45 turret cam pans again to take in another view, still no sign of either peregrine
11.55 weather appears to be closing in, occasional very light snow flurries now and turret cam distance view virtually totally obscured
12.00 church clock strikes noon, definite light snow now across the next box
12.02 turret cam pans about a little now facing slightly out to sea but visibility terrible with the snow
12.14 turret cam pans about again, weather really closed in and very light dust of snow on rooftops, no peregrines at all
12.20 the weather has cleared slightly and it’s stopped snowing again
12.30 the weather has cleared a little, the snow has stopped and the wind appears to have dropped dramatically too
12.31 snowing lightly across the nest box again
12.45 cloudy and overcast sky with sun on the nest box and the wind increasing again, crazy weather
12.46 turret cam panning around – there is a brave peregrine… the female (falcon) sitting on a crocket in the wind in the sun.

13.00 the bell tolls one, my shift here is done 😊
13.00 Now taken over from Rachel with Poppy on one of the crockets giving us a view of a very rough Cromer sea
13.02 Calling from from somewhere near the nest box, presume it must be Henry
13.07 Poppy leaves the crocket, wonder if she heard Henry calling
13.12 Thanks to whom in control of the camera for finding Henry on one of the crockets
13.20 Henry had a quick look up into the skies, couple minutes later having another look
13.29 Poppy arrives in the nest box, goes to the back and starts to scrape
13.32 She now settles down in the scrape, then starts taking in stones
13.36 She a bit unsettled as she stands up and repositions herself
13.43 Someone calling out, couldn't see Poppy's or Henry's beak moving
13.45 Poppy still unsettled moves and eventually makes herself once again
13.52 poor old Henry, getting blown about on the crocket he's sitting on
13.58 More calling, Poppy not very happy. Few minutes later Henry leaves the crocket at the same time Poppy starts having a look whilst sitting in her scrape. She gets up, looks like something happening as she's very unsettled, it's starts to hail to the annoyance of Poppy as she turns facing the back of the box
14.23 A little blue sky appears in the distant horizon ready for Rachel's walk
14.28 Poppy very unsettled this afternoon as she runs to the front of the box looking around as she goes, she's not there long as she returns to the scrape. She sits there looking around
14.39 Don't know if she's concerned about Henry as he hasn't been seen for about 20 minutes
14.41 preen time for the gorgeous Poppy
14.45 after her pampering, poppy returns to scrape once again, taking in more stones for her digestion
15.00 that all folks, now handing over to Debbie
15.00 Poppy in her nest box, alert / no sign of Henry on other camera
15.10 Poppy is resting and in a light sleep

15.31 Poppy settled in her scrape...... a constant buzz / interference on camera
15.40 Poppy sleepy
15.46 Poppy circles her scrape, scrapes a bit, pecks at a few bits of gravel and settles again
15.47 Poppy unsettled but remains at scrape
15.57 Still at scrape but restless
16.11 Strong wind ruffling her feathers in scrape (screen shot)
16.19 Poppy more settled in scrape facing outwards
16.22 Tower camera scans to seek Henry but he is not there
16.33 Black sky and sleet storm
16.45 Storm over, sun out, Poppy preens and scratched the left side of her head (screen shot)
16.47 Poppy settles into scrape facing inward
17.00 Watch ended ...all egg