Cromer Peregrines blog – Friday 7th April 2023 (Good Friday)
Today has been overcast and breezy but mild.
1455 hrs Blog started
1458 hrs My shift begins with a changeover – Falcon suddenly becomes alert, Tiercel flies in and lands directly in front of box and the Falcon gets up and flies out, they exchange some chatter and he settles on eggs looking towards the right (East).
1506 hrs the Tiercel does some egg shuffling and tries to cover them
1519 hrs the Tiercel is alert and looks round repeatedly. He shuffles the eggs and settles again.
1534 hrs a light aircraft or helicopter is heard and the Tiercel looks round briefly
1542 hrs more alertness with gulls calling off camera
1545 he starts to pick at the gravel and then shuffles the eggs before settling again
1554 hrs the Falcon calls off camera and the Tiercel looks up and around as though the falcon is flying nearby.
1557 hrs all appears quiet again
1601 hrs the Tiercel shuffles and turns round and faces back left (West)
1602 hrs he turns back to the facing right back position
1619 hrs there are some strange noises off camera and the Tiercel looks round and chirps on and off for about 2 minutes.
1622 hrs all quiet again
1656 hrs the Tiercel is more alert again for a minute or so
1700 hrs we leave the Tiercel on the three eggs at the end of blogging for today.
Thank you to James for his blog.
The watchpoint was open today and by lunchtime has received about 50 visitors.