Big news this morning. Last night the Falcon laid a third egg at 23:33pm
0850: Falcon(?) incubating eggs. Briefly stood to reveal the three eggs.
0855: Peregrine seems relaxed, intermittently closing the eye in view.
0902: Peregrine now alert and looking around.
0908: Pecking at gravel.
0920: Peregrine stood briefly to change position on eggs.
0931: Now looking around, alert.
0942: Now relaxed, opening and closing eyes intermittently.
0947: Looking around, alert.
0953: Preening wing feathers, head rotating at all angles to look around.
1009: Stood briefly, exposing eggs.
1012: Stood briefly, exposing eggs, now looking alert.
1035: Peregrine now relaxed.
1044: Pecking at gravel. Briefly standing to gently turn 1 or 2 of the eggs.
1045 to 1100: Alternating looking relaxed and then alert.
13:08 Tiercel incubating the eggs
13:21 Pecking at the stones
13:26 A fly buzzes around him and catches his attention
14:26 Falcon comes in there is a lot of vocalisation but the Tiercel seems reluctant to move. The falcon has some of her lunch left on her right talon so we can assume she has just had a feed.
14.29 The tiercel finally moves off the eggs and the falcon takes over incubation duties.
15:00 Falcon Incubating 3 eggs, facing away from the camera.
15:02 Falcon looking around
15:03 Falcon turns the eggs to ensure they are evenly heated
15:26 Falcon again turns the eggs beneath her
15:40 Falcon pecks at the gravel
16:03 Falcon preens her feathers
16:33 Tiercel arrives to take over incubation duties, the Falcon flies off
17:00 Shift ends with the Tiercel still incubating.
Thank you to todays volunteers; Andrew G, Sasha and Brendon