09.50 Incubation changeover the falcon enters the box and takes over from the tiercel.
10.00 Tiercel lands on SW pinnacle.
11:10 Tiercel flies off the the W.
11:18 Tiercel is perched on the NW pinnacle.
11:41 Tiercel moves to NE pinnacle.
11:57 Tiercel flies off.
12:00 Tiercel returns
12:10 He flies off East.
12:17 Incubation change over the tiercel takes over from the falcon.
12:27 The falcon lands on the SE pinnacle.
13:15 The falcon flew off.
13:40 The falcon is perched on the SE pinnacle.
13:48 Falcon out of view, Incubation change over she takes over from the Tiercel.
14: 48 Tiercel flew in and lands on NE pinnacle.
15.30 Tiercel perched on NE turret.
15.40 Tiercel departed.
Thank you to todays volunteers- Andrew, Val and Julia
I was also on Watchpoint duty. With thanks to Brendan for today's Blog.