00.00 all quiet on the chick front, exhausted from yesterday running all over the roof.
03.33 one starts to fidget, wakes up the other.
03.55 Z moves to the front of the box, sits there just observing the world outside.
04.06 Z drops onto the roof and flaps.
04.11 legs and wings stretched, Z comes back into the box.
04.26 Z leaves the box again.
04.47 X also leaves the box. You can hear occasional calls off screen but chicks mostly out of sight.
05.49 the camera pans around and both chicks can be seen on the north side of the tower against the fleur-de-lis. X very close to the edge. There is a prey item on the roof and Z is pecking away at it. Doesn’t want to share.
05.59 lots of calling, X races back to the box, off screen. Z continues to guard her prey.
06.00 Z also heads back towards the box and off camera.
06.26 camera pans around again, chicks playing hide and seek, one tracked down eventually to the gully in the SE corner. Not sitting still for long and soon off camera again. Lots of calling but nothing in sight!
06.56 both chicks located in NE corner, male located on scaffolding rails on east side of tower. Never still the chicks are soon moving around again.
09.00 chicks still missing from box and constantly on the move.
09.50 Tiercel on NW pinnacle.
10.46 Chases off a gull.
12:05 The juveniles have selected a spot behind the platform, on the North side of the church tower roof, as their favourite, with its fine views of the pier and the sea. The view down onto their heads shows that X is still sporting more fluff on the head, but both youngsters are now clad predominantly in their beautiful brown and cream plumage. There doesn’t appear to be much sun, and the breeze continues to buffet them about. They still seem to tolerate one another’s company, possibly out of a need for warmth, but previous activity where food is concerned, shows how defensive they can be.
12:14 One of the juveniles, or possibly both, has started to call, although neither moves from the roof ridge. Z has a brief flap of wings, and has begun looking away to the North and North East. The overhead gives a fine view of outstretched wings.
12:05 The juveniles have selected a spot behind the platform, on the North side of the church tower roof, as their favourite, with its fine views of the pier and the sea. The view down onto their heads shows that X is still sporting more fluff on the head, but both youngsters are now clad predominantly in their beautiful brown and cream plumage. There doesn’t appear to be much sun, and the breeze continues to buffet them about. They still seem to tolerate one another’s company, possibly out of a need for warmth, but previous activity where food is concerned, shows how defensive they can be.
12:14 One of the juveniles, or possibly both, has started to call, although neither moves from the roof ridge. Z has a brief flap of wings, and has begun looking away to the North and North East. The overhead gives a fine view of outstretched wings.

12:21 Z suddenly begins flapping as both adults begin calling. X joins in as Z heads off along the ridge and out of sight. X moves along the ridge too, but stops after a few feet, and it all goes quiet again.
12.20 Tiercel arrives with prey.

12:27 X has a stretch of one wing and leg, but remains standing on the ridge, possibly watching Z if there was a food delivery.
12:29 The camera moves, and shows that Z has indeed taken delivery of food, while X continues to watch from the ridge.

12:30 Eventually though, X flutters across, and there is a bit of communal feeding for both juveniles, although X moves away a little after only a few moments. Z continues to work on the prey.

12:38 X has remained close by, watching Z feed, occasionally preening, perhaps in the hope of a look in at the remnants. Then, a brief tug of war takes place, and X wrestles the carcass away from Z, and moves a little way up the roof to have a feed. Z stands and watches, presumably having had a good feed, and a parent can be heard calling intermittently in the background.
12:41 Z heads back up to the ridge, with a few wing flaps on the way, then after a few seconds, heads back along the ridge and out of view again toward the back of the platform.
12:44 X continues to work on the prey, occasionally dragging it a little further up the roof.
12:51 Z is located again, having got onto the bottom end of the walkway on the East side.
12:55 X appears in view below the walkway on the left, and seems to be playing with something, a small fragment of remnant perhaps. Then it hops onto the walkway, remaining just under the handrail, almost out of sight.

13:01 Z walks part way across to stand nearer to X, who remains largely obscured by the handrail.
13:11 X looks to be making a move, walking along the edge of the walkway, then out behind Z. One of the parents calls. After a few moments, one of the juveniles gives a few squeaks.
13:27 Z has a little stretch, and looks as if there may be a move soon. Although with eyes closed that might prove awkward!
13:29 X also stretches, and they both shuffle a little, as a bit of sun lights them up.
13:34 X looks down, contemplating this uncomfortable walkway as not the best place to stand. Z looks to be in agreement, and turns as if about to jump off, but turns back again to look up to where a parent may be perched.
13:54 Z has a leg/wing stretch, then arches both wings up in the air. Meanwhile, X has been preening extensively, although now it is much rarer to see downy feathers going off on the breeze.
14:11 Z makes a move, flaps its wings and heads to the edge of the walkway, and then off. X stays put for the moment. One of the parents is calling. The Watchpoint reports an adult flying in with prey.
14:15 X watches something fly round to the East side of the tower, then seems to stare down into the South East corner of the roof.
14:18 Sudden onset of calls from parent and juveniles too. The Falcon flies in with food, which is grabbed by Z, who moves off along the ridge, then just stands with it! Maybe not so hungry after all! The Falcon takes off Eastwards.
14:24 Z begins to tuck into the food, with its back to camera, while X looks on from a few feet away.
14:28 Z has gradually moved toward X with the prey, continuing to feed, but X does not appear very interested, looking away more than looking at the food.
14:34 It seems a clear indication that these two have been well fed up to now. In fact, Z ends up discarding the prey on the roof, right in front of X, who makes no move whatsoever to take over. Z moves off along the ridge, and begins an extended session of wing flapping. A parent is heard calling in the background.

14:38 Z comes back along the ridge to stand beside X, then goes back along the ridge again. X still does nothing with the food, and Z comes back to stand alongside. They seem to stand almost beak to beak looking at each other.
14.41 Falcon flew, made an almost instant kill and flew into tower followed by a squawking gull.
14:51 The juveniles remain together on the roof ridge, the food just in front of them. Z settles down to lie on the ridge while X remains standing and preening.
14:55 There is some calling, which, though sounding adult, may have been one of the juveniles. Certainly, both youngsters were looking around as if a parent was in the air.
15:00 This session comes to a close with the juveniles on the roof ridge on the North side of the tower roof, with a prey item almost under their beaks, but seemingly of no interest to them!
15.50 Male flew off SE then back to SE pinnacle, Falcon left at same time chasing a crow.
16.00 One chick is on the roof camera is focused on the roof the box looks empty,
16.31 Camera is swinging about and the chicks are outside near the walking grate and perched on it, not sure where that is in relation to the box. Chicks are preening
16.38 Adult is calling
16.47 One of the chicks has moved further onto the grating
16.50 Not really sure what is happening it seems unusual behaviour
16.52 2nd chick is wing flapping and has disappeared, camera has moved round and the chick is on the ridge tiles
17.00 No change, one chick still on the ridge tiles.
151 visitors at the watchpoint.
Thank you to todays volunteers- Bev, Peter, Barbara, Julian, Andy, Jonathan, Mike and Jane