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CPP blog Saturday- 03/06/2023

00.00 the chicks are settled together, Z not asleep but quiet, at the back of the box. Looks a bit breezy. Z is laying partly over X, would be like a duvet with claws! Usual nighttime behaviour, sleep, fidget, preen, stretch, repeat.

03.30 much more active tonight. Both awake and standing, tidying themselves up. They don’t look like they have much sleep in them.

04.10 Z is right at the front of the box, in front of the camera, with X obscured behind.

A lot of calling from Z, some wing flapping and some sky searching as she notices something above. Definitely liking the feel of air under her wings.

04.13 Z is just balanced on the edge, you can imagine her working out how far down it is onto the roof and summoning up the courage to jump. She nearly over balances but regains her composure. With X right up behind her she makes a reasonably dignified drop onto the roof and walks out along the ridge. X seems unconcerned and preens.

04.21 X getting lonely or hungry and calling loudly. She has a look over the edge but then settles on some yoga.

04.23 Z walks back up the ridge towards the box but doesn’t attempt to get back in, preferring to stay on the roof and flap. With the box to herself X also has a really good flap. Maybe today is her day.

04.29 some serious flapping from X, then having found a dried up bone proceeds to peck at it. Z still visible on the roof.

04.36 Z returns to the box, with a very accomplished hop. Both chicks go into the corner and exchange stories.

05.14 Z is out again. X calling frantically, looking over but not daring to take the “one big step for peregrine”.

05.19 Z returns to the box.

05.50 both watching the sky and calling.

05.53 With more in and out today than a hokey-kokey Z is out of the box again.

06.19 back in again.

07.13 she’s off again! Visible on the ridge, very close to the south edge. Z is moving about well, sometimes going off camera, but X isn’t calling so doesn’t look to be missing out on food.

07.22an adult comes in with prey but stays on the roof in front of the box. Z is there being fed, X looks on and calls desperately.

07.28 with the feed going on just below her X very nearly falls over the edge onto the roof several times but maintains her balance.

07.39 Z still on roof, mum makes a very quick visit to the box with the remains of the prey which is quickly grabbed by X and taken into the corner. Mum exits almost immediately.

07.45 Z returns.

07.48 Z leaves!

08.06 mum is on roof with Z. Mum enters box and helps X feed on the leftovers she dropped in earlier. Z also gets back in box and watches for a while then sits in the corner.

08.17 mum leaves with leftovers.

08.45 with the excitement over, both chicks settle down for a snooze at the front of the box.

09.00. Both chicks are dozing at the front of the box following a feed in the last hour.

.09.02. VXN (X) gets woken by the church bell, soon joined by VZN (Z). They both peer over the top of the box ledge.

09.07. X stands for a wing stretch and a quick preen, lies back down resting its beak on the box ledge.

09.23. The camera is zoomed in. X stands up to preen.

09.24. Z is woken, she sits and also preens ending up with a beak full of white down.

09.27. Both facing the camera, the difference between the plumages can be seen, what a difference 3 days make. X is still sporting a fair coverage of down whilst Z has lost most of hers.

Z is showing off her chest strips

09.55. Both are lying down occasionally peering out along the roof.

10.01. Z sits, peers out at her newly found surroundings. X lifts its head and squawks.

Z has a wing over X, cute, but of course that doesn’t mean anything to a peregrine.

10.07. Z is preening again, white down flying in the breeze. Some gets caught in her beak.

10.10. Z is looking more like a peregrine now.

10.17. An adult calls, they both look towards the east.

10.22. Both are preening.

10.28. X is looking out towards the east again making lots of noise.

0.36. X is sitting showing off its chest, compare to the earlier photo of Z.

10.40. Both chicks are lying down, all peaceful

10.52. An adult calls nearby disturbing both who look towards the east again. Z sits behind X and begins to preen yet again. A siren is heard but there is no reaction.

10.59. Z lies down alongside X for a bit of preening and down removal.

10.36. X is sitting showing off its chest, compare to the earlier photo of Z.

10.40. Both chicks are lying down, all peaceful

10.52. An adult calls nearby disturbing both who look towards the east again. Z sits behind X and begins to preen yet again. A siren is heard but there is no reaction.

10.59. Z lies down alongside X for a bit of preening and down removal.

11:30 Tiercel on NE pinnacle.

11:35 Female tried to take a pigeon from S above clock- failed and headed S

13:00 Male still sitting on NE pinnacle, female arrived and landed on SE pinnacle

Photo credits- Jane Crossen

13:15 Male flew around the tower spooking pigeons, landed on back on NE pinnacle.

13:23 Male with prey flew around church, briefly landing on the S side, female back on NW pinnacle.

13:30 Female flying around carrying left overs, disappears to the W.

13:33 Male moves to E side near to NE pinnacle, left to chase a gull then returned flying very quickly to SE pinnacle.

13:45 Female lands with prey on gargoyle E side. Male on NE pinnacle.

13:48 Both birds flying at the same time, some excellent views from the watchpoint. Female lands S side of SE pinnacle just visible from the watchpoint.

Photo credits- Bev

19:06 VXN left the nest box for the first time.

Photo credits- CPP

219+ visitors came to see the Peregrines today.

Thank you to today's volunteers- Bev, Jane, Julia and Richard.

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