08.25 Female incubating the eggs
08.28 Female looks around the box
08.38 Female shuffling
08.50 Male makes an appearance to take over the incubating
08.53 Male makes himself comfortable
09.04 Male turns the eggs, 1 egg appears to be pipped
09.18 Male has a look around
09.30 Male picks at the surrounding gravel
09.37 Male turns the eggs once more
10.18 Male turns the 3 eggs again
10.30 Male shuffles again
11.00 Tiercel comfortably settled facing left. Sometimes looking at camera and closing one eye. Sunlight – or winking at his watching fans.
11.02 He is doing a lot of wriggling about. Trying hard to glimpse the eggs.
11.04 Looking around and pecking at gravel. Definitely more restless.
11.06 Lots of wriggling. Glimpsed 2 of the eggs – I think both are pipped.
11.09 Pecking at gravel again – maybe flavoured with essence of pigeon. A lot of wriggling about still. Now turned around so half his back is to the camera.
11.14 Alert and listening.
11.16 Wriggle wriggle.
11.19 More wriggling. Lifting tail but can’t glimpse eggs.
11.21 Lots of active wriggling – he looks as though he is laying an egg himself.
11.22 His tail is in the way, but the right hand egg looks well pipped. Possibly even moving a bit? Tiercel is now side on, facing to the right.
11.29 More lovely gravel
11.33 Looking alert
11.34 More wriggling, feathers fluffed
11.40 Disturbed by an invading fly. He’s a very handsome tiercel!
11.42 Alternate dozing and looking around. Seems relaxed.
11.44 Same. Bit of preening.
11.48 Something has caught his attention. More alert.
11.57 Sun has come out – golden gravel and illuminated feathers
12.00 Return of the fly.
12.15 Little shuffle, little peck at gravel. Probably wants his lunch
12.33 Another good shuffle. Slight turn so he is facing backwards towards the right hand corner.
12.44 Much more wakeful and alert. Looking expectant. Has he heard something?
12.49 I think so. He has got off the eggs and left the nest.
12.50 Good view of eggs now. All look pipped – one looks well pipped – but no chicks yet. Can’t be long though – call the midwife?
12.52 The falcon has arrived. Settled herself down facing right. Shuffled around with her back to the camera. Shuffled again and settled down facing to the left. Goodness, she is a big bird.
12.58 Another shuffle. Good brief view of left hand egg.
13.00 female on eggs, all 3 eggs are pipped, lots of shuffling on eggs
13.07 female calling
13.11 female off eggs and calling then flew off, so pipping of all eggs visible
At 13.11 an intruding peregrine makes itself known, Gavin Fitt, a huge follower of the Cromer peregrines who also lives within sight of the Church informs us the intruding peregrine has landed on the North West turret, the resident male makes dozens of fast fly pasts trying to dislodge the intruder, an aerial battle ensues and ends up with the resident female joining in and ultimately chasing the threat away, she can be seen returning to the box at 13.51 panting heavily.
13.12 female back on eggs
13.13 shuffling a lot on eggs and calling
13.31 more settled on eggs
13.34 picking up and dropping debris in nest
13.37 sitting up, looking down at eggs
13.40 standing up and calling, then back on eggs
13.44 female left nest box
13.45 male on eggs
13.51 female back, with male sitting on eggs
13.55 female flew off
14.06 male sleeping on eggs
14.30 male picking at gravel
15.00 male still sitting on eggs
15.00 Poppy facing back of nest, shuffles slightly, beak motions
15.03 Shuffling looking to her left
15.10 More shuffling and looking to her left wind ruffles her feathers
15.24 More rigourous shuffle and stares to left
15.28 Shuffle and looks to left
15.29 Shuffle to right and looks to her right, picks at gravel near her head
15.32 Diligently continues to move gravel towards her ‘nest’
15.35 More settled and still
15.36 Big shuffle, facing outwards, used beak to check eggs, more gravel moving
15.39 Still gravel moving
15.40 Big fidget, 2 eggs clearly seen, shuffle into position, facing back of ‘nest’
15.42 Shuffle and looks to her right
15.43 Very settled
15.58 Shuffles and looks left
16.02 Changes position, sunshine on her face, resting
16.10 Gravel moving and alert
16.14 Fly buzzed in and out
16.15 Looked around keenly as if at a fly I didn’t see
16.17 Shuffle, I saw front egg with a small hole/crack
16.25 All fine and settled
16.34 Gravel pecking
16.38 Still gravel pecking
16.39 Big shuffle, facing right, 3 eggs seen, 2 cracks clearly seen, ‘she’ pecked at the hole in the nearest egg
16.42 Shuffle to right, lifted her body to check her eggs
16.45 Resettled facing away, and then settled to the left
16.49 A fly disturbed her
17.10 Male has just come in and female has left the nest, he is rearranging the eggs, (chicks could be getting dizzy) he has settled down, what a beautiful bird.
17.27 not much happening a bit of shuffle round and then settles again, One eye covered the left open, interesting, now both covered
17.35 another shuffle not moving eggs
17.45 Raised itself up a bit, eggs visible, took a look and settled own again, could have been making a sound as the beak was moving and some movement at the throat, he really is a handsome bird.
Now shuffling again and when he lifted up one of the eggs looked as if the hole was a bit bigger, keeps shuffling, perhaps the chick is coming out, who knows
18.22 The female makes a return to the box with a lump of meat, she looks ready to feed the unhatched chicks, when she realises no eggs have hatched she takes flight with the meat
A huge thank you todays volunteers, Brendon Ollett, Anne Shilton, Julian Thomas, Debbie Colman and Barbara Gardner also a special thanks to Gavin Fitt for his reports of the intruding peregrine.