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  • Peregrinator

Cromer Peregrines Activity Blog- 30/03/2022

8:46 The Tiercel had been on the eggs for a while, but the Falcon came in at this point to take over (thanks to WhatsApp report).

9:00 The Falcon is in charge, settled facing West at this point, and dozing.

9:02 She lifts her head and looks round as if alerted to something, but soon settles back.

9:05 Same again – the Falcon is alert again, but that doesn’t last, and she has a half-hearted peck at a stone in front of her. She does however keep her head facing the camera. She seems aware of something out of our view.

9:13 The Falcon looks skyward for a few seconds, but obviously of no great worry as she appears to yawn! Then she begins a spot of stone picking.

9:16 The Falcon rises up a little, then shuffles round to face North, away from the camera. She watches the outside world over her shoulder.

9:28 The Falcon has been relaxed for some minutes, with one eye drifting shut from time to time, but then she looks back over her shoulder again, as if there is something catching her attention. Perhaps, quite naturally, this is of normal behaviour, and is not indicative of any real disturbance.

9:38 Suddenly the Falcon is quite alert, again looking skywards, and seems to be tracking something. Evidently no great concern, as she stays put.

9:43 The Falcon stands up, shuffles the eggs, and settles back, but now facing more South-East, and looking out of the platform.

9:50 Something suddenly has the Falcon looking around quickly as she tracks something. Quite alert, and watching continuously. Nothing is obvious in the inset view.

10:00 She is watching again, her head moving from side to side. The Tiercel arrives to take over duty, and the Falcon leaves. He settles in with a bit of egg shuffling and rocking into place, facing East.

10:03 The Tiercel appears to be calling, he seems a little agitated. Perhaps an intruder, as yesterday? Nothing is visible on the inset view.

10:11 It’s a bit difficult to tell for sure, as his head is not always pointing directly at the camera, but the Tiercel seems to be relaxed enough now for one eye to be closed for a few seconds at a time.

10:14 The Tiercel has a shuffle of the eggs, then settles over them, now facing away from the camera, almost North.

10:16 He is still not quite settled to his satisfaction, and shuffles around some more, ends up facing East again.

10:24 The Tiercel is relaxed enough now to allow one eye (at least) to close. He turns his head toward the camera, which shows that the other eye was also closed!

10:28 A quick bit of stone picking, during which he stops for a look round. Then, another shuffle, to face North this time, into the back of the platform.

10:31 The Tiercel takes a moment to do a little preening, followed some more stone picking. Then, yet another shuffle on the eggs, with no real change of position.

10:34 He is alert again, looking back over his shoulder. No calling apparent at this point.

10:41 A large fly zooms around in front of the Tiercel. Maybe that’s what keeps getting his attention (and that of the Falcon too, in her turn!)

10:46 The Tiercel has another quick shuffle, and moves round to face more North-East now.

10:55 He seemed to be alerted by something, but evidently nothing major.

11:00 This session ends with the Tiercel still in place.

11.00. Tiercel appears to be very relaxed. Head dropping down as he dozes. 11.10. Bit more alert, looks out towards the roof. 11.27. Still looking forward and occasionally pecking gravel. 11.28. He shuffles to face the back of the box with his characteristic bobbing as he settles on the eggs. Turns his head to look behind him keeping an eye on the front of the box. North. 11.40. A quick bob up and down to get comfy. 12.00. Still in the same position, mostly looking out of the box, with intermittent dozing. 12.05. A good shuffle to reposition himself on the eggs now facing NE corner. 12.18. Head down very relaxed. 12.21. Startled by something, no cause for concern, back to sleep. No - startled again - it’s that fly. 12.29. Lowers his head and goes to sleep. 12.36. Shuffles over the eggs and relaxes into the same position, still looking out of the box. 12.51. Disturbed he becomes alert for a while, looks like it’s starting to rain in Cromer.

13.00 It’s a rainy and cool afternoon for 'our ‘enry' the Tiercel who is dutifully incubating the clutch of eggs.

He appears to be snatching little naps with his back turned to the nest box opening

13.22 He shifts a little briefly exposing the eggs before quickly re-taking his position

13.40 Another little shuffle

13.58 Change Over!

Poppy, (my she’s a big girl in relation to Henry! Nearly fills the screen) arrives in a flourish

Henry doesn’t need convincing twice and quickly removes himself and a near seamless changeover is achieved without long exposure of the eggs to the North Sea air

Falcon faces the back of the nest box

14.23 She moves around so she can see the entrance clearly.

She is alert

14.53 Falcon moves to check the position of her eggs, exposing the speckled eggs as she gently nudges them into the places she wants them to be.

14.54 She settles down again and snuggles them into herself

15.00 Turns eggs and snuggles down.

15.10 Settled down a bit more.

15.20 Gently snoozing at last

15.30 Settled and gently snoozing

15.40Suddenly looking around – maybe a fly disturbing her snooze?

15.50 Much picking at the gravel and then turns around and moves eggs. Why do they pick at the stones which are not surrounding the eggs I wonder?

16.00 Settled down and occasionally closing eyes

16.10 One half of brain sound asleep!

Sound asleep

16.20 Still snoozing

16.30 Well fluffed up to keep warm while snoozing.

16.40 Looking around a bit and moving the odd stone. Turns herself and the eggs and having a scurryfunge at the stones to make the nest deeper.

16.50 Looking up and around and now gazing thoughtfully into space.

17.00 Falcon having a little snooze now. I wonder when the tiercel will return?

Thank you to todays volunteers for this blog: Peter D, Richard E, Julia I and Peta.

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